My speaking-partner was Genevieve Ryan, an illustrator and recent graduate of ECA, with whom I worked last year. We were asked to provide some insight into our work and practice, focusing on the collaborative Text/Image piece we published last year as part of an ECA/Edinburgh Uni partnership.
The other participants came from a diverse range of disciplines; underground music festival creators, digital music, zines, graphic art etc.
Yuck & Yum - arts organisation & zine
Johanna Basford & Lyall Bruce (aka SooperDD) - illustrator & graphic artist collaboration
Arika - creators of underground music and film festivals
Genevieve Ryan & Jo Swingler - illustrator & writer collaboration
Colliderscope - animation & musician collaboration
V&A Dundee - a talk from the action group Co-ordinator, Georgina Follett
Having enjoyed the process so much, Gen and I are definitely up for creating a longer piece; possibly a complete collection of images/stories.
Lots to look forward to and I'll be exploring the Central Station site more...there's so much exciting work there already...